May, Saturday - Sunday; 11.00 - 17.00
June - October, Tuesday - Sunday; 11.00 - 17.00
tel. 08 - 560 200 60
Nyckelbyvägen 22
178 90 Ekerö
Rosenhill is located on the island Ekerö. Google Maps

Rosenhill is a traditional family farm using organic methods to produce vegetables, apples and and apple juice. The laid back relaxed atmosphere makes this a great place to chill and enjoy the Swedish countryside, so close to Stockholm.
Lake Mälaren is a short walk down the road from Rosenhill for a refreshing swim.
The cafe where you can get pie, focaccia, icecream as well as cookies and is a popular gathering place for people from throughout Stockholm.
At the farm shop you can find Rosenhills own honey and mustard, crafts and kitsch. During the growing season (August /September) you can pick your own herbs, tomatoes, onions, currants, berries, plums and other fruit & vegetables.
Rosenhill invites to a wide variety of music gigs held throughout the summer usually on Saturday evenings.
Underground and Bus
To get to Rosenhill from downtown Stockholm it takes approximately one hour using the train and the bus with an 800m walk on arrival.
Take the underground green line #1 to Brommaplan then take bus 312, 311 or 309 to Nyckelby. Check at information at the Brommaplan station as sometimes a change is required on the bus.
By Car
From Stockholm you will pass
- Drottningholm,
- Tappström (Ekerö Centrum)
- Träkista
- When you arrives to Nyckelby, where there is a yellow brick building with a petrol station and general store (ICA) you turn right och and follows Nyckelbyvägen 800m and you will arrive to Rosenhill.
Short Background of Rosenhill
About a century ago Emilia's grandfather founded the garden and planted the first apple trees. Since then the place, like all the farms around, played a role supplying our capital Stockholm with vegetables, fruit and berries. In the beginning the products were carried by steamboats but from about 1925 it was possible to use the roads. In 1978 Emilia's parents opened a small juice factory to take care of fallen apples that could not be sold in the market.
Since there is a good tradition around to plant apple trees in the garden when you build a house, it was soon found by other “apple owners” who wanted to make juice from their harvest. Thirsty people came from all around to get the golden drink.
When we, Emila and Lars, by the end of the last century, chose to take care of this place, we decided to turn the gardening into organic. We also found that it was a good idea to concentrate on letting people come here to get good fruit and vegetables, rather then sending these products to the market in town. To draw more people to us we started a cafe and began to sell other things.
We also found that the garden, due to its relaxed atmosphere, was a very nice meeting place. It was therefore a natural thing to give parties and arrange other gatherings here. One important tradition is to hold a party every Saturday from midsummer until the end of August.
More information about Ekerö in english at: Ekerö Tourism